Racine Works Program (RWP)
City of Racine Ordinance Section #46-41
The City of Racine helps underemployed and unemployed residents gain access to employment opportunities through its Racine Works Program (RWP).
The RWP certification is designed to promote the use of city residents as part of a contractor’s or developer's workforce on certain city-funded construction and private development projects.
Contractors bidding on water, public works projects and development projects financed with public tax dollars must hire 20% percent of RWP-certified City of Racine residents to work on those projects.
Contractors and developers are encouraged to refer to their bid package/contract/agreement to determine their project requirements.
Certification Process
Schedule an appointment with our certifying agency:
If RWP certification is granted, individuals will be issued a certification. While there is no longer an expiration date for RWP certification, the individual must continue to live in the City of Racine to remain RWP certified.
Certification becomes invalid if you move outside Racine city limits. If an RWP individual moves within the City of Racine, their RWP certification will need to be updated with the new City of Racine address.
Once WRTP certifies the individual, you do not need to contact the City of Racine.
See attachments:
RWP Certification Information
RWP Certification Process
RWP Flyer
Purchasing Agent can provide you with the excel template to report monthly workforce participation.
Local workforce participation report will be submitted electronically on a monthly basis to the Purchasing Agent purchasing@cityofracine.org
Racine Works Program (RWP) Compliance Information
Racine Works Program (RWP) Compliance information
For other inquiries related to RWP please contact Purchasing Agent at purchasing@cityofracine.org