Collection Violation Notices
Did you receive a collection violation notice?
Below are the most common reasons for a notice and how to correct them for your next pickup.
No collection of garbage in blue recycling carts
- You must separate all recyclables from your solid waste in put them into the proper carts provided for collection
- For more information on
Recycling click here
No curbside collection of any fencing, structural, demolition and construction material
- The City of Racine does not collect this type of waste with the weekly pickup service
- These items can be taken to our
Pearl Street Facility
Overweight cart _________Solid Waste _________Recycle
- The weight of the carts cannot exceed 75 lbs
Solid Waste Cart / Recycle Cart – Not accessible for collection
- Your cart must be placed in a reasonably accessible location for pickup near the curb or alley line
- Special Collection residents: gates locked, vehicles blocked, snow not cleared from path of cart
Illegal container. Container must be a City approved and supplied cart
- Collection will only be performed on City approved carts
- Customer supplied carts will not be serviced
Improper placement. Material not placed at the curb / alley line
- All carts must be placed at the curb or alley line
Material not placed out by 7:00 a.m. on collection day
- All material must be placed at the curb or alley line by 7:00 a.m. on the day of your collection
- You may place your carts out no earlier than 4:00 p.m. CST the day before your collection day
- Carts must be removed from the curb / alley line within 12 hours of collection (same day)
Non-collectable material
- The items tagged are not part of our collected materials
- Please visit one of these pages for how to dispose of other types of waste material
HBI must have pink stickers attached and be placed next to the garbage cart
- Household Bulky Items must have pink HBI stickers attached
- For information on how to obtain pink HBI stickers, please call 262-636-9121
No collection of grass/yard waste
- These items are no longer collected with your regular Solid Waste pickup
- You can bring these items to the
Pearl Street Facility
Contents cannot exceed 12 inches above the top rim of the cart
- You are allowed to place up to 3 42 gallon bags of household trash on the ground next to the garbage cart if your garbage cart is full
- Extra recycling material may be placed in a blue recycling bag and placed on the ground next to the recycling cart if your recycling cart is full
Offensive, hazardous, infectious waste. Collection suspended until cart is thoroughly cleaned
- Animal feces, cat litter, saw dust, ashes must be securely contained in a bag
- No medical waste
Excessive ___________bags (only 3 bags allowed) _________ HBI (only 5 HBI allowed)
- Only 3 extra 42 gallon bags of household waste allowed next to the garbage cart
- Only 5 Household Bulky Items allowed next to the garbage cart
Subject to fines if not removed by: ________________________
- Non-collectable items must be removed by the date indicated or violation citations will be issued
Other: _________________________
- Please see the note written on your tag
Please correct the issue with collection as marked on this tag. For further questions or information, call the Dept. of Public Works
Monday through Friday
7 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
(262) 636-9126
Atencion - para tener este material traducido a espanol, llame por favor 636-9458