As a coastal community and a state ingrained with a history of conservation, sustainability is necessary to ensuring the long term success of our community. City of Racine Public Health Department Laboratory personnel frequently engage in opportunities to increase the community's environmental, social, and economic resiliency using natural resource best management practices. This includes identifying innovative ways to enhance the built and natural environment in response to impacts associated with climate change, such as increasing coastal resiliency, expanding green infrastructure, habitat restoration, engaging in long-term planning, and educational outreach opportunities.
The Pillars of Sustainability consist of social, environmental, and economic sections.
Below are examples of the Laboratory's sustainability work.
- Racine County Resiliency Project #1 - Zoning/Emergency Preparedness
- Racine County Resiliency Project #2 - Coastal Erosion/Beach Resiliency
The following publications and presentations relating to sustainability may be of further interest.
Coastal Resilience Solutions for Shoreline Municipalities, 2018
Incorporating Resiliency into Coastal Beach Restoration
Coastal Actions for Resilience and Economic Security (CARES) of Southeastern Wisconsin Bluff, Beach, and Infrastructure Assets
For More Information
Wisconsin Department of Administration
Great Lakes Commission (GLC)
Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN)