Tent Permit
Why do I need this permit?
A permit is required on any tent over 100 square feet to ensure they are erected safely. Any tent used for recreational use on a residential property and not to be erected for more than a 48 hour period in any two week period is exempt from obtaining a permit. However these tents are required to comply with all requirements of the City of Racine.
Additional Requirements:
- An electrical permit is required if any electricity is to be used to power lighting and or equipment.
- A MINIMUM of a 2A10BC Fire Extinguisher is required for each tent. Extinguishers shall be conspicuously located and readily accessible in the event of a fire.
- Every tent shall have atleast two standard exists located at opposide ends of the tent. The minimum egress width is 72 inches.
- Illuminated exit signs are required in all tenets where more than 100 persons can be accommodated.
- No Smoking signs are required to be conspicuously posted in all tents open to the public.
- This is not intended to list all of the code requirements for erecting a tent. A complete list is available from the building department.
How do I get this permit?
Review the guidelines listed below on where a tent can be located, including height and distance requirements. Fill out the sample guideline found below or submit a suitable drawing plan(Preferred).
How much does it cost?
The cost for the Fence Permit is currently $30.00.
What do I do once I get this permit?
Once the permit has been issued you may begin construction on your project. Once it has been completed or have reached any milestone outlined by the Building Inspector, the Building inspector will visit the site to ensure construction was completed to meet minimum code requirements.
Additional Documentation:
This information can change at anytime. If you have any questions or concerns prior to construction please contact one of our Building inspectors at (262) 636-9121.